Sharon Nazarian
As Senior Vice President of International Affairs, Sharon Nazarian heads ADL’s work fighting anti-Semitism and racial hatred globally, including overseeing ADL’s Israel office. Sharon joined ADL in 2017.
Prior to ADL, Sharon was active in three worlds: academia, philanthropy and foreign policy. She is the President of the Y&S Nazarian Family Foundation, with a regional office in Israel named the Ima Foundation. She is also the founder of the Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and Chair of its Advisory Board. Sharon taught as an adjunct professor at UCLA in the Department of Political Science, is a member of the Council of Foreign Relations and sits on a myriad of foreign policy boards.
She studied at the University of Southern California (USC), double majoring in Journalism and International Relations, and received her Masters and Ph.D. in Political Science from USC.
Sunday, May 2 Office Hours (Late Afternoon)
Office Hours with Sharon Nazarian, Senior VP, International Affairs
Office hours required pre-registration. If you signed up in advance, please refer to your Cvent registration confirmation email for your timeslot.
Sunday, May 1 Closing Plenary
Closing Plenary
Close out the day with an inspiring program featuring remarks from President Isaac Herzog of Israel; an important conversation between ADL Deputy Director Ken Jacobson and ADL SVP of International Affairs Sharon Nazarian about the criminalization of Israel on the international stage; an exclusive viewing of award-winning filmmakers Ken Burns’ and Lynn Novick’s newest project, “The U.S. and the Holocaust”; and an important panel discussion on governmental responses to online hate.