Vlad Khaykin
Vlad Khaykin serves as the ADL National Director of Programs on Antisemitism. Vlad joined ADL in 2014 as the Associate Director for the Central Pacific Region, leading the office’s international affairs work, representing ADL to leading social media and internet technology companies in Silicon Valley, and delivering all programs related to antisemitism and white nationalism. Before joining ADL, Vlad served as the Assistant Director for Communications and Advocacy for the American Jewish Committee (AJC) in Philadelphia where he advocated on issues related to immigration reform, foreign policy, and human rights with state and federal lawmakers and foreign diplomats. Prior to AJC, Vlad worked in the International Programs department of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston. Vlad earned dual Master’s degrees in Non-Profit Leadership and Near Eastern & Judaic Studies from Brandeis University, where he was awarded the Genesis Fellowship, and a B.A. in Economics and Business Management from the University of California, Santa Cruz. A former refugee from state-sponsored antisemitism in the Soviet Union and a grandson of Holocaust survivors, Vlad holds ADL’s work to secure justice and fair treatment for all deeply personal.
Sunday, May 1 GLI Breakout Sessions Block 1
Antisemitism and Holocaust Distortion in the age of COVID
The COVID-19 pandemic has seen an increase in the number of antisemitic incidents. Conspiracy theories blame Jews for the spread of the virus, politicians have equated pandemic related restrictions and vaccinations with the Holocaust, and historic antisemitic tropes have been recycled for the age of social media. Learn with ADL’s experts on extremism the ways in which antisemitism and Holocaust distortion have manifested throughout the pandemic.
Sunday, May 1 GLI Breakout Sessions Block 2
Antisemitism and Holocaust Distortion in the age of COVID
The COVID-19 pandemic has seen an increase in the number of antisemitic incidents. Conspiracy theories blame Jews for the spread of the virus, politicians have equated pandemic related restrictions and vaccinations with the Holocaust, and historic antisemitic tropes have been recycled for the age of social media. Learn with ADL’s experts on extremism the ways in which antisemitism and Holocaust distortion have manifested throughout the pandemic.